The Indigenous Clean Energy Opportunities (ICEO) engagement is envisioned as an “evergreen” process. Through the ICEO process, the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation (EMLI) and the First Nations Energy and Mining Council (FNEMC) are seeking to engage First Nations rights holders and organizations in a collaborative dialogue on clean energy priorities and strategic policies and related legislation and regulations. 

Input from the March 2022 workshops attended by rights holders was used by EMLI and FNEMC to jointly develop a 2022/2023 workplan that set up Engagement Tables for the priority topics. Current ICEO engagement is focused on hydrogen; a knowledge series on electricity topics; and the development of a joint process for engaging rights holders on clean energy regulations and legislation.

Electricity Table

The Electricity Table’s initial year will involve knowledge and capacity building and seek to engage First Nations leadership, communities and organizations to ensure all participants (rights holders, organizations and EMLI) have a common understanding of B.C.’s clean electricity sector. An Electricity Table Advisory Group (ETAG) has been established to advise on activities and provide guidance to FNEMC and EMLI on First Nation’s participation. ETAG consists of Indigenous, industry and government representatives who identify key areas of focus, provide feedback and recommendations, and suggest areas of exploration for Electricity Table activities.


Hydrogen Table

In cooperation with the FNEMC, BC Hydrogen Office and Natural Resources Canada, and partners such as FortisBC and Foresight Canada, the objective of this table is to co-develop and carry out a market research study in support of Indigenous participation in hydrogen, implementation of the B.C. Hydrogen Strategy, and Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) market opportunities. FNEMC is developing a BC First Nations Hydrogen Strategy to identify opportunities for First Nations to participate in the B.C. hydrogen sector.  This work includes the development of a report and two workshops.

Record of Proceedings from the January 31, 2023 workshop under the BC First Nations Hydrogen Initiative (Video Recording)

Legislative Standing Table

The Legislative Standing Table is in the beginning stages of developing a forum to bring forward provincially-proposed clean energy legislative and regulatory changes for discussion with First Nations on alignment with UNDRIP as per DRIPA Section 3 obligations. Rights holders, First Nations leadership and/or the FNEMC may also bring forward other legislative proposals for discussion.