BC First Nations Energy and Mining Council logo

The First Nations Energy and Mining Council (FNEMC) supports and facilitates First Nations efforts to manage and develop energy and mineral resources in ways that protect and sustain the environment for generations while enhancing the social, cultural, economic and political well-being of First Nations in British Columbia.

Vision: First Nations in British Columbia, through the exercise of title and rights over the land and resources in their traditional territories, will play an integral part in the decision making and business management process while reaping the economic benefits associated with the sustainable development of energy and mineral resources in British Columbia.

FNEMC’s mission is to operate under the authority of B.C. First Nations to support and facilitate their efforts to manage and develop energy and mineral resources in ways that protect and sustain the environment eternally while enhancing the social, cultural, economic and political well-being of the communities at stake.

Ministry of Energy, Mines an dLow Carbon Innovation logo

The Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation (EMLI) is responsible for British Columbia’s electricity, alternative energy, mining and petroleum resource sectors, and supporting work to meet BC’s greenhouse gas reduction targets.Electricity and Alternative Energy Division is directly linked to the CleanBC Plan with responsibilities focused on implementing programs and policies that will support the implementation of the CleanBC Plan including:

  • Reducing pollution from industry using cleaner fuels;
  • Cleaner transportation by making electric cars more affordable, investing in charging stations, and shifting to renewable fuels;
  • Better buildings, support for retrofits and implementing new business codes;
  • Reducing emissions from waste;
  • Hydrogen Strategy; and
  • Remote Community Energy Strategy.